JUDICIARY Latest Features

Judiciary Launches Medical Scheme for All Its Staff
Mr. Bigirimana, the Permanent Secretary/Secretary to the Judiciary presenting HW Langa, the Chief Registrar with her insurance card at the Judiciary Headquarters

The Judiciary launched a group medical scheme for all Judiciary staff in a ceremony held at the Judiciary headquarters in Kampala. 

The launch was presided over by the Permanent Secretary/Secretary to Judiciary, Mr. Pius Bigirimana flanked by the Chief Registrar on behalf of the Top Administration of the Judiciary.

The scheme, the first of its kind for the institution, is billed at Shs1.2 billion and supported by the Government of Uganda.

The Permanent Secretary stated that the medical insurance scheme will benefit all Judiciary staff in the different categories deployed across Uganda. "More than2,300 Judiciary staff in categories of Justices, Judges, Registrars, Magistrates and administrative staff will access Medical Insurance from Jubilee Insurance Company, UAP OLD Mutual Insurance and Prudential Assurance." 

Adding that the move will address the high expenditure associated with medical care for the Judiciary thereby reducing medical treatment costs.

The Chief Registrar, HW Sarah Langa Siu, said the Judiciary management was compelled to introduce the medical insurance scheme to respond to health needs of staff because of their nature of work and the prevailing high cost of accessing medical services.

Mr. Bigirimana commended the efforts of the Ag. Commissioner Human Resource, Ms Apophia N. Tumwine as well as other members of the Judiciary Senior Management for ensuring that the medical insurance scheme kicks off.

The medical insurance providers commended the Judiciary for being one of the few Government entities for taking a "bold step" by securing the health of its staff. Speaking on behalf of UAP Old Mutual Insurance, Dr. Miriam Mutero said they are committed to providing excellent services to ensure that the scheme is a success.

Mr. Dan Musiime, from Jubilee Insurance Company commended the Judiciary efforts in providing health insurance for all its staff.

Mr. Achumile Majija of Prudential, pledged that the firm would offer palliative support as well as a wellness programme, over and above provision of inpatient and outpatient services.

Posted 25th, August 2021
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